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Nullius in verba | MediaWikiThe foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath nowhere to lay His head. (Matt 8:20)
A Bible Reference Guide for Scripture Topics and VersesLooking for Bible verses or references about topics in Scripture? This Bible concordance answers questions and lists verses, topics, references, & passages.
Messages and Sermons given at Abundant Life FellowshipAn archive of mp3s of our messages and sermons given at Abundant Life Fellowship Christian church
Free Bible Studies Sermons Doctrine StudiesFree full length Bible studies, expository sermons, and daily Bible studies focused on letting the Bible tell its own eternal message.
Sermons from Faithful Word Baptist Church - KJV Bible PreachingAre you tired of boring preaching? Check back in the future for more independent, fundamental, King James Bible Only Baptist preaching.
Jesus Christ in the Old Testament StudiesJesus Christ is the master theme of the Bible. Jesus Christ began with Moses and the prophets and explained to His disciples that all the Scriptures were about Him.
Universally Copyright | TheAlmightyFatherGodHttps://www.TheAlmightyFatherGod.COM
ReadingA Christian Devotional delivered to your email Monday through Friday with a bible verse, an illustration and a quotation.
Ancient Hopes - By Father John Worgul | Deep Calls Unto Deep Psalm 42Deep Calls Unto Deep... Psalm 42:7
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